Team formation
How to form teams that perform efficiently, are sustainable, and ensure their members' well-being?
Collaboration, especially when it is remote, can be hampered by ineffective communication and interpersonal conflicts. To address this, I work on algorithms that bring together more harmonious and performant teams by harnessing key behavioral and social characteristics of the candidate teammates (like personality, group dynamics, or interpersonal preferences). I actively explore integrating human agency into the team formation algorithms, resulting in solutions that are user-centered and adaptive.
Collaboration, especially when it is remote, can be hampered by ineffective communication and interpersonal conflicts. To address this, I work on algorithms that bring together more harmonious and performant teams by harnessing key behavioral and social characteristics of the candidate teammates (like personality, group dynamics, or interpersonal preferences). I actively explore integrating human agency into the team formation algorithms, resulting in solutions that are user-centered and adaptive.
Self-Organization in Online Collaborative Work Settings
SAGE/ACM Collective Intelligence 2022 Crowdsourcing Team Formation with Worker-Centered Modeling Frontiers in AI, 2022 Team Dating Leads to Better Online Ad Hoc Collaborations CSCW 2017 Personality Matters: Balancing for Personality Types Leads to Better Outcomes for Crowd Teams CSCW 2016 |
Novel forms of collaboration
What is the next generation of collaborative systems?
Emerging paradigms like platform work and crowdsourcing give room to new forms of collaboration. I study how people use these new paradigms to connect, upskill, reskill, and leverage their collective potential.
Emerging paradigms like platform work and crowdsourcing give room to new forms of collaboration. I study how people use these new paradigms to connect, upskill, reskill, and leverage their collective potential.
The Dawn of Crowdfarms
Communications of the ACM, 2022
Macrotask Crowdsourcing: Engaging the Crowds to Address Complex Problems
Springer 2019
Macrotask Crowdsourcing: An Integrated Definition
Springer, 2019
Unleashing the Potential of Crowd Work: The Need for a Post-Taylorism Crowdsourcing Model
M@n@gement, 2021
In Their Shoes: A Structured Analysis of Job Demands, Resources, Work Experiences, and Platform Commitment of Crowdworkers in China
GROUP, 2019
Communications of the ACM, 2022
Macrotask Crowdsourcing: Engaging the Crowds to Address Complex Problems
Springer 2019
Macrotask Crowdsourcing: An Integrated Definition
Springer, 2019
Unleashing the Potential of Crowd Work: The Need for a Post-Taylorism Crowdsourcing Model
M@n@gement, 2021
In Their Shoes: A Structured Analysis of Job Demands, Resources, Work Experiences, and Platform Commitment of Crowdworkers in China
GROUP, 2019
Task Assignment Optimization
How can we optimally match people to tasks?
To ensure quality, cost efficiency and timeliness in the production of knowledge-intensive tasks while accounting for the needs, motivation and talents of the expert workers, I develop task-to-user matching mechanisms that combine resource scheduling, traditionally found in operational research, with non-deterministic behavioral modelling.
To ensure quality, cost efficiency and timeliness in the production of knowledge-intensive tasks while accounting for the needs, motivation and talents of the expert workers, I develop task-to-user matching mechanisms that combine resource scheduling, traditionally found in operational research, with non-deterministic behavioral modelling.
Task assignment optimization in knowledge-intensive crowdsourcing
VLDB journal Online Sequencing of Non-Decomposable Macrotasks in Expert Crowdsourcing ACM Transactions on Social Computing, 2019 |
Collaborative Innovation
How can technology strengthen the innovation capacity of teams and collectives, helping them think better outside the box?
The majority of the tasks our algorithms are designed to optimize are creative, ill-structured, and open-ended.
The majority of the tasks our algorithms are designed to optimize are creative, ill-structured, and open-ended.
Modular Crowd Workflows for Open Innovation.
Managing Digital Open Innovation, 2020 When Crowds Give You Lemons: Filtering Innovative Ideas using a Diverse-Bag-of-Lemons Strategy, CSCW 2018 Innovation Labs: 10 Defining Features Stanford Social Innovation Review Innovation Labs: Leveraging Openness for Radical Innovation? SSRN |
Expert identification & Performance prediction (archived)
Which user knows what in online communities? How can we predict future user performance?
I use machine learning to analyse the past performance of people in online communities (wikis, e-learning) and predict their future knowledge contribution quality and overall performance.
I use machine learning to analyse the past performance of people in online communities (wikis, e-learning) and predict their future knowledge contribution quality and overall performance.
CorpWiki: A self-regulating wiki to promote corporate collective intelligence through expert peer matching
Information Sciences
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Information Sciences
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Dropout prediction in e-learning courses through the combination of machine learning techniques
Computers & Education
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Computers & Education
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Collaborative knowledge communities (archived)
What makes a wiki knowledge community successful? How can organisations successfully integrate wikis into their day-to-day processes?
Planning for a successful corporate wiki
DEIS'11 Get PDF View in Springer Wikis in enterprise settings: A survey Enterprise Information Systems Get PDF View in Taylor & Francis |
Smart venues and cities
How can technology help cultural venue visitors discover, reflect on, and re-interpret the venue's built environment?
Co-Designing a Location-based Digital Game by Paper Prototyping using a Board Game
ACM CHI 2017 - Case Studies Get PDF View in ACM |
Improving museum visitors’ Quality of Experience through intelligent recommendations: A visiting style-based approach
IE' 13 - Workshops Get PDF View in IOS Press Related Software: Museum crowd simulator Created with the team at CRP Henri Tudor, Copyright: LIST |